Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tears in the Theaters

{Day 9}
Top 5 Times I've Cried at Tv Shows or Movies

I'm not one to cry at tv shows or movies. Hell until recently I never cried at all! But I do have to say there are some scenes out that have me doing the waterworks.

Pitch Perfect Scene
Pitch Perfect is actually a funny movie but there is one scene in it that makes my heart hurt. The scene is when Benji is laying in bed all by himself and can hear them all singing. Benji really wanted to join and didn't get in. I always feel so sad for him every time it comes up. I did cry at one point because of that part alone.

God this is such a sad movie! Most of them end up dying in the end and that's so sad! I hate that Jack can't be saved and Rose is left alone. He worked so hard to save her and I just wanted them to stay together. I haven't seen the movie in a while being of the fact that it makes me sad at the end.

The Lovely Bones
Another sad movie that I've only seen a few times because I prefer to stay happy. It's so sad that the girl is killed and what makes it even worse is that her family tries to look for her but they can't find her when she's right there! Than they ad in the other girls who were all killed and it like you need a whole box of tissues to get through the movie!

Up! Scene
Up! is one of the cutest Disney movies out there but I get so sad during any scene that has Ellie in it and him missing her. This little old man is so heartbroken that its hard not to feel for him. I hate when they show the scene where it is him and than her empty chair. Other than that the movie is really cute.

Toy Story 3
Toy Story is a movie of my childhood. It's probably one of my favorite Disney movies so I was super excited for Toy Story 3 to come out. Well my brother, sister, and I rented the movie and watched it together one night and I almost didn't finish it. It was at the very end when everyone thinks they are going to die but they really like. My heart was so broken and cried in the dark because I didn't want them to die. Thank god they didn't!



  1. I'm totally with you on Toy Story 3 and Up! I really didn't like The Lovely Bones, it made me so mad!

    1. Toy Story 3 and Up! are the only Disney movies that make me cry. It made me mad too! I wanted her family to find her so much!

  2. I TOTALLY CRIED IN PITCH PERFECT TOO! Just the first time I saw it, and it wasn't a cry as much as I teared up, but still. Ugh.

    1. I get teary eyed every time I watch it! Sometimes if its on when I'm in the room but not really watching it I leave until that scene is over.
