Thursday, February 13, 2014

100th Blog Post And An Award!

I've finally made it to 100 blog post! This is really exciting news for me with all of the times I have started and stopped and started and stopped blogging. I really didn't think I would make this this far. Since I didn't know I had made it to 100 posts until two minutes ago I have nothing special planned. But it just so happens that I have something a little bit bigger and more exciting than my 100 post to talk about!

I was nominated for the Liebster Award!!!!! Chelsea over at Southern Charm nominated me! Thank you so much! I have seen bloggers receiving the Liebster Award for some time now but I never thought I would receive one myself. For those of you who don't know what the Liebter Award is I will do a little background on it.


  • It's a way for bloggers to celebrate other bloggers. 
  • It is given from one blogger to another. 
  • You receive it if you have less than 200 followers.
  • When and if you accept the nomination, you are agreeing to do a post on your blog about yourself and the award. 
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  4. Provide 11 facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 5-11 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  6. Create a lis of questions for the people you nominated.
  7. List the rules on your blog (although you don't have to).
  8. Tell the people you nominated!
Here are the questions I received from Chelsea:

1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I fell in love with other blogs and I was reading blogs everyday. I thought it would be cool to write my own blog plus I really like writing. I thought it would also be a cool way to document my life and maybe help someone else. 

2. What is your most prized possession?
Without a doubt it would be my class ring. I love it and it has so much meaning to me.

3. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
This is kind of hard! I don't know if this counts as 4 people or 1 person but Mumford and Sons. They are my favorite band of all time and I would do anything to meet them. Now if they count as 4 people than I would love to meet Marcus Mumford (and maybe he would bring the rest of the guys). 

4. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give you 13-year-old self?
I would tell myself to live in the moment and not worry about getting to college and out on your own. You'll get there and wish you could be young again. 

5. Who is your favorite fictional character?
Blair Waldorf for Gossip Girl without a doubt

6. Describe yourself in three words
Creative, Funny, Caring

7. Who is a hero in your life?
My mom is probably one of my first heroes. She amazing and has gone through so much and is still strong. 

8. What is your favorite season of the year?
I really love spring. It has the best temperature, its not too hot or too cold. And theres always flowers and pretty things. Plus my birthday is in spring

9. Who is your fashion icon (you can pick 3)?
I really don't have fashion icons but I would have to say Serena Van Der Woodsen, Lilly Pulitzer, and Kourtney Kardashian

10. If you could live one day over, what would it be?
I really don't have one day that jumps out at me but after thinking a little it would be a day (more like weekend) last semester where I had the room to myself and me and a boy were talking. I was so happy. 

11. Morning person or night person?

11 Facts About Me
  1. My toenails must be painted no matter what season it is. 
  2. I was sort of named after the Ralph Lauren Perfume. My mom wore it and that's how she fell in love with the name. 
  3. I have never been out of the country.
  4. I hate the doctors yet I want to be a nurse. How ironic!
  5. I've only had one job in my life and it was at David's Bridal.
  6. Before I came to college I hated milk and french toast. Now I love milk but only if its 1% and french toast is my favorite.
  7. Fruit Loops are my favorite cereal. 
  8. I never went to any of my proms. 
  9. I've never had a boyfriend. 
  10. Most girls complain about wearing heels but I love them!
  11. Baseball is my favorite sport. 

My Nominations:

Your Questions!
  1. What are your favorite baby names for girls and boys?
  2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  3. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  4. One Tree Hill or Gossip Girl?
  5. Tell me about a time when you were extremely happy
  6. What is something you pinned on Pinterest that you have tried or made?
  7. Who is your favorite fictional couple?
  8. Did you ever keep a diary or journal before?
  9. How many piercings and tattoos do you have?
  10. Name one thing on your bucket list that you have done and one thing you haven't done
  11. If money was never an issue, what is one thing yo would buy?
If you accept your nomination, comment below with your blog post! I would love to read all of you posts!



  1. I love your post! So sorry it took me sooooo loooonnnngggg to read it!

    1. Thank you! It's completely fine! People get busy haha

  2. Sorry it has taken me so long to get to this!! Thank you so much!! I will have a post on it posted Tuesday (2/25)!

    1. It's fine! You are very welcome. I love your blog so it wasn't hard picking you. I'll be on the look out for your post.
