Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Shopaholic's Dream

{Day 1}
If you won the lottery you'd...

Let's face it everyone at one point has dreamed about winning the lottery and what they would do. If I won the lottery there are so many things I would do! Most of them would be to help my family out and help us not have to stress so much about money.

Background Source

Pay off my college tuition 
Help my parents finish renovating our house
Pay for the rest of my brother and sister's tuition
Go on a nice vacation with my family
Set up a scholarship in my grandma's name at my old high school
Buy a car
Put the rest of it away for the future

I would definitely stay in school and get a job. to me those are two things you need as a person to stay normal and not become lazy. Winning the lottery would help my family and I live comfortable but we would still continue to work and go to school.

And if we're all being honest here I would probably go on a huge shopping spree because I am a shopaholic and won't be able to resist. That would than result in my needing a bigger closet so I guess I would buy myself a nice house to store all my new purchases.

The Daily Tay



  1. Your list sounds really sensible - I love that you'd set up a scholarship!

    1. I didn't know you commented! Sorry I'm getting to it so late. Thanks! It's a dream of mine haha
