Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Peeving Me Out!

{Day 22}
Pet Peeve

I really don't have many pet peeves. I'm not a hard person to please

Slow walkers 
I'm a fast walker to begin with so when someone is walking extra slow I get extremely annoyed. Plus I have zero patience so I get even more annoyed when I have to wait to go around them.

People who slam their dorm room dorms 
This mostly applies to when I am sleeping and its like 9 in the morning. Both of our neighbors slam their doors and wake me up almost every single weekend morning.

Chewing with your mouth open
It is extremely gross to me and my brother does it all the time. I am constantly telling him to shut his mouth at dinner.

Common grammar errors
These include the they're vs their vs there and to vs too vs two. I also hate when people don't use proper capitalization.

When Pandora just skips a song in the middle of it playing 
I didn't even think about this one until I was almost done writing this post and Pandora just skipped the song I was in the middle of listening to. 

The Daily Tay Blogtober14


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