Monday, January 19, 2015

I Am Loved

As part of my self love month I am taking a look at the people who love me. Sometimes it is hard to love yourself if you do not feel loved by those around you. I know there are times where I have felt so down on myself because I didn't feel like people loved me. It can be hard at times to see that people love you, especially if the things they do are daily and go unnoticed. Today I want my readers to stop and a make a list of the people that love you. Things long and hard about it. If you want to take it a step farther write down how they show it.

1. My parents
They will do anything for me. Just a few examples include my mom driving things to me in the icy rain and my dad giving my money because I can't work while at school. 

2. My siblings
My sister will ask about my dad or send me a simple text. My brother will listen to me rant and watch Tangled with me. 

3. My aunts and uncles
They always give me tons of advice, ask about how school is, and general just listen to me. 

4. All of my cousins
I have had some drive me back to school and take me out for a girls day. 

5. My grandmother
She always believed in me, listen to me, and gave me all the motivation I needed. 

6. My best friend, Bridget
Even though at times I don't think she is listening to me she always is. She will do random things for me. And if those aren't enough she tells me she loves me. 

7. My best friend, Jill
This girl tells me she loves me, listens to me rant, always helps me through my problems, and doesn't get mad at me when I am mean to her. 

8. My roommate, Erika 
Let's just say I'm not the easiest person to live with. I can be crazy and loud. Erika has spent many nights singing and dancing with me. She has helped me so much, like when I'm too lazy to get up. 

9. My Big, Carolina
She surprises me with her love. She ask how I've been, and puts up with me. She crafted so much me and had me to a point. She has made me a random cake because I just wanted one. 

10. My Big Big, Tori
She's so sweet to me. She has offered to help me with school and actually apologized for breaking a promise because she was sick. 

11. My Spir, Sami
God I love this girl! Sami will tell me how much she loves the crafts I've made for her. She listens to me and laughs with me. 

12. My sorority in general
They do little things like say hi and talk to me about my day and life. Little things that make me feel loved. 

13. My friends, Jeannie, Joann, and Anya
They will listen to me and give me advice. They want to hang out with me and we can just lay around and they won't care. 

In the past few days I have just felt the love. I have felt how much I mean to some people. They show it and don't even now it. It's nice to know that their are people out there that. 


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