Friday, December 19, 2014

Intangible Christmas Wishlist

I saw this amazing idea over on Kate the (Almost) Great and just had to do my own post. To me the Christmas season is not about the gifts that you give but rather the more important things. The things you can't buy or see.

1. Peace and comfort to my family during this holiday season. This is the first Christmas without my grandmother and already it's been a hard one. I just want us to get through this in one piece. 

2. Healthy pregnancies to everyone becoming pregnant in the last few weeks. I've noticed a lot of people are pregnant and all I want is happy, healthy pregnancies for them. 

3. Justice to everyone that deserves it and peace for the families of everyone who has been killed in this past year. All of the deaths by police need to stop. It just keeps getting worse and worse. 

4. Strength to get through nursing school. I know this next semester is going to be hard and all I want is the strength and motivation to get through this semester and the years after that. 

5. Some sort of fix in my relationship with a cousin. We've had such a falling out in the last few months but in the last week it has been extremely bad. I don't want to fight and I don't want to be like this with a family member but I try to fix things and it doesn't work. 

What is everyone else's intangible Christmas list? Anything similar to mine?


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