Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Learn to Ride the Waves

There are times in your life when you just have to go with the flow and take what life throws at you. I had a moment like that this past week.

For a few weeks now I have been struggling to keep my anatomy grade up and it finally got to the point where there was nothing I could do. I had to drop the class today. It was the last thing I wanted to do.

My grade was a 65 and we need a 70 to pass. After spending countless hours studying, multiple mental breakdowns, and being so stressed it is all over. I can breath again.

At the beginning I was really upset. I felt like a failure and even a little guilty. I felt like I failed at something I should have been able to do. My guilty was because now my parents have to pay for me to take the class over and I was leaving my lab partner on her own. I cried about it more than once.

I soon got over all of those feelings because its all for the better. I am less stressed. My grades in my other classes can improve now because before I was just focusing on anatomy. I have more time to myself. I sleep better at night and I wake up without stressing so much.

It makes it better that my professor only has a 60% passing rate and more than half of my class had already dropped. I am not alone in this. Everyone I have talked to about it has said it's all for the better and I haven't been judged because of it.

The reason I am telling you all this is because I hope someone will take my situation and learn from it. I'm not giving up on my dream to become a nurse because I had to drop anatomy. I am not discourage and I have even more motivation than I did before. Never give up on your dreams no matter what life throws at you. Work with the little waves life gives you. Yeah I couldn't finish the class but I am going to take it again in the summer at my community college where it is easier.

I hope my experience will help someone with something they are dealing with. Know that you are not alone and never to give up on your dreams.



  1. Hey Lauren, I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone, I have had to drop 2 classes in my college career and even learned that i do better taking only 4 classes. Plus I had a moment this semester that showed me with this situation everything happens for a reason.
    Xoxo, Emma

    1. Hey Emma! I'm so glad I'm not alone! I feel like I am doing better with less classes. It feels so good to talk to someone who has been through the same thing.
      xoxo, Lauren

  2. For one I love that love! Two, it is very strong and brave of you to drop the class. Three, I think that is great that you dropped it when you knew that it was too much for you. Good job! Hope you continue to feel less stress and do great in the rest of your classes! Four, thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you!!!!! I never saw myself as strong or brave for dropping the class. Your comment absolutely made my day! You are so sweet and kind! Thank you again
      xoxo, Lauren
