Monday, March 31, 2014

Opening Day!

Today marks the opening day of baseball season! For of those who don't know baseball is by far my favorite sport. I love going to the games and I love watching them. When I watch them at home I always end up yelling at the tv.

I missed the beginning of the Phillies (my team!) game because I was in class but I was getting the updates from twitter and google. It's time for me to reinstall my mlb app to keep up with the games.

I really can't wait to see more games and maybe go to a few this season. The Phillies are not doing to good but hopefully they can get their acts together!

Not only do I love opening day because my boys are back but I love it because for my it marks the unofficial start to spring. Spring is my favorite season and baseball has something to do with it.

So today's been a good day. I hope this week stays good and hopefully this is a good season in baseball.

Tell me what your favorite baseball team is and if you don't like baseball tell me what your favorite team is for any sport.


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