Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Senior Challege: Day 1

The first question asked is:

First Thoughts on Going to College

Well... My very first thought on going to college is I am scared! I have no idea what to expect and that scares me a lot! I like to know what is going on and what is going to happen. I like to plan. This whole college thing is a mystery to me and I don't like that!

The other thoughts I have on college is I am both ready and not ready to start over. Up until today I have been waiting for college so I could start over. I felt like high school wasn't the way I wanted it to be and I just wanted a chance to start over with new people. Now I don't want to leave high school and I feel like I am not ready. I just wish I had one more week. Those girls are my sisters and I can't imagine a day without them. 

College as a whole is very emotional and who knows how it is going to go. 


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