Tuesday, June 4, 2013

30 Day/Post Senior Year Challenge

I had wanted to do this 30 day challenge 30 days better I graduated but I forgot so I'm going to do it now. I'll try to catch up. These are all of the questions:

  1. First thoughts on going to college
  2. First memory of high school
  3. Homecoming- what it meant to you and your memories of it
  4. The most trouble you’ve ever gotten into
  5. Your favorite teacher and how he/she has impacted you
  6. The best dance you ever attended (pick a specific day, not just ex. “sadies is my favorite dance”)
  7. A time you cried (or felt like crying) at school
  8. Favorite book you actually read for English class
  9. Most fun class 
  10. Something you never expected you’d do and ended up loving
  11. How you spent your most memorable lunch hangout
  12. Hardest you ever legitimately studied
  13. Favorite group project
  14. The teacher you hated the most 
  15. Four favorite pictures/pictures that represents each of your four years the best and why/how
  16. Most surprising friend
  17. Oldest friend who you’ve kept
  18. A memorable job, summer camp, or internship
  19. Biggest regret
  20. Favorite place to be on campus
  21. A song that brings back nostalgia, and why
  22. Your thoughts on your romantic life in high school
  23. Upperclassmen who affected you
  24. Underclassmen who you’ll miss
  25. What you’ll miss the least
  26. A memorable, spontaneous hang out
  27. A word of advice to your younger self/underclassmen
  28. Your parents
  29. What you’ll miss the most
  30. Final word- Your “thank you“‘s, “good-byes”, and final reflection

So I'll start them right now and continue until I graduate.


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