Friday, January 31, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Friday everyone! My Fridays using consist of laundry, cleaning, 2 hours of class, and then maybe a fun night out. I thought I would do a little recap of the week in the form of Five on Friday since I haven't been on in almost 2 months.


Anatomy has consumed my life for the past week and a half. All I do is read the textbook and take notes. The book also weighs more then me and I have joked that I could kill someone with it! I can't complain too much because if I want to be a nurse than I have to work for it. 

My roommate and I have been listening to American Authors Radio on Pandora and I suggest it! It's an amazing station and I just can't get enough of it! I love we both have the same taste in music too. 

Today marks three weeks since my grandmother had a brain aneurysm and was sent to the hospital. She is still in there today and will hopeful be going to rehab soon. Although she is not 100% herself, she is lucky to be alive. I just want her to be back to normal. The amazing thing about this whole situation is that my family has been pulled together and it makes me feel so good and happy inside. 

This one doesn't really apply to just this week but I've been thinking about making an Etsy shop. I love to paint canvases and do other crafty things and I thought it would be a fun idea to try. Because I am so busy with school I wouldn't be able to start it until the summer and even then it is just an idea. 

I am so in love with Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride Tea! I have been drinking it all week and some days I have more than one cup a day. Now I am not a tea drinker and I have tried many different kinds of tea but it seems that Sugar Cookie has stuck with me. It's an extremely sweet tea and I make it even sweeter by adding a ton of sugar.  You may be seeing a review on it in the near future ;) 

I hope everyone enjoys there weekends! Stay safe and be happy!


So It Happened Again....

I have come to the conclusion that I just can not keep up with a blog daily and that makes me extremely sad! Over the past few weeks I have really been thinking about what I like to do and writing was something that kept popping up in my head. I love to write, whether it is for fun or for school (Did I just say I like to write for school?!). For school I do a ton of writing but I would love it if I could just write what I want and what I love.

Now I am going to say this again and I will probably fail again but I want to get back to blogging and post at least two times a week if not more. As I write this I am thinking about my schedule and the work load I have. This semester is an extremely busy one. We are only three weeks in and I have already had a mental breakdown from schoolwork related stress. My classes are hard and I have a lot of reading and studying to do. With that being said, I still want to try and blog.

I am writing this up on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 11:54 pm and have made a deal with myself. The deal is I will not post this post until I have at least a week's worth of posts ready and waiting to be posted. I know that is a lot but if I am only posting 2-3 times a week I only need to have two or three post ready. I have ideas for post I just need to type them up and get them ready for you guys.

As soon as I am done typing this I am going to go and start working on those post so I can get them out to you. I want to become a dedicated blogger even if it kills me!

So here's to hoping I finally follow throughout with blogging this time around. I want to do it for myself and for you guys!
