Monday, March 31, 2014

Opening Day!

Today marks the opening day of baseball season! For of those who don't know baseball is by far my favorite sport. I love going to the games and I love watching them. When I watch them at home I always end up yelling at the tv.

I missed the beginning of the Phillies (my team!) game because I was in class but I was getting the updates from twitter and google. It's time for me to reinstall my mlb app to keep up with the games.

I really can't wait to see more games and maybe go to a few this season. The Phillies are not doing to good but hopefully they can get their acts together!

Not only do I love opening day because my boys are back but I love it because for my it marks the unofficial start to spring. Spring is my favorite season and baseball has something to do with it.

So today's been a good day. I hope this week stays good and hopefully this is a good season in baseball.

Tell me what your favorite baseball team is and if you don't like baseball tell me what your favorite team is for any sport.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Where You Work

I saw some of my favorite bloggers doing this link up so I thought I would participate as week! I have a few different places I work and it really all depends on what I have to do and where I am.

1. Where is your favorite workplace located (Library, apartment, dorm room)?
A cubby in the library while I was studying 

If I have to do homework or studying I like to go to the cubbies in the library. They are really secluded and I can get stuff done without having my friends bothering me (I love them to death but they are very distracting!). Other than that I like my desk in my dorm room.

2. Do you prefer a sleek desk or you more of an "organized chaos" kind of person?
Well, while I am working on something it is an "organized chaos" but if I'm not using the desk than it has to be clean and everything has to be in it's place.

3. What is your favorite kind of writing utensil?
I like pencil, preferably blue. I really don't have a favorite brand though.

4. Show us your calendar or agenda!
I have a Lilly agenda that I use and sometimes I have a printed out calendar but this month I don't. The other thing I use to stay organized is my week at a glance.

5. And just for fun, what are you looking forward to most about spring?
I am definitely looking forward to the nice weather and not having to wear so many layers! My mood is a 100 ties better when it is nice out.

Sorry about the bad quality in the pictures. It's really late and it's also been raining all day.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Deciding to Join a Sorority

As some of you know, my roommate joined a sorority in the spring. I also had two really good friends join sororities as well. Funny thing is they all joined different sororities. At the time I had no intentions of joining one. They really didn't interest me and I didn't see the big deal in them.

Well, my mind has changed. I have spent the last few months watching my friends go through the process and I have watched their lives change. After thinking about nothing but sororities for a few weeks I have decide that sorority life might be for me. I empathize on the might. Because sororities are so time consuming and are really a life changing thing I have and still am weighing the pros and cons. The reasons why I do and don't want to join a sorority.

You gain sisterhood: I went to an all girls high school that was extremely close. The girls in my class were and still are my sisters. Leaving LF (my high school) was extremely hard for me because I loved it so much. After coming to college I realized, well into the spring semester, I was missing something. Something in my life wasn't there. After really thinking about it, I realized it was the sisterhood. I really want that sisterhood back.

It looks good on your resume: Right now I am not involved in anything at school. I don't play sports and things like student government are not really my thing. Being in a sorority will really help that, on top of gaining amazing friends. I'm really thinking about what sororities will do for me in the long run.

The opportunity to help others: All sororities have a mission and have something they help with. My personality screams helping and that is something that I would love to do. I love, love helping people. The sorority I am actually thinking about helps children and goes to the children's hospital. It just screams me.

It can cost a lot: I am already worried about the amount of money I will have to pay just to come to college and that doesn't even include how much a sorority will cost. I am not an expert on the cost but I know there are fees to pay and then there is the crafts and gifts you buy for your sisters. Crafting is not cheap.

The process of getting in scares me: Yep I'm afraid of being hazed or being put in uncomfortable situations. Usually I am a shy girl and don't really like to be the center of attention. Although I have gotten better at being open and not so shy, I'm still afraid of having to be EXTREMELY social.

I have only told about three or four friends about all of this. My roommate doesn't know. My family does't know. I don't openly talk about it with anyone but my one friend. The reason I have talked about it with my one friend is because she is in the sorority I want to join and I don't feel like I am going against anyone when I tell her. I also haven't told my roommate because I would not want to join her sorority and I don't know how she would take it.

I still have months before I can act on my decision and my mind could change. As of right now I am all for it and just thinking about it gets me excited. I'm not going to say the names of the two sororities I am thinking about because I don't know how it will all turn out.

If you have any advice on this process let me know. All and any tips would be helpful and greatly appreciated!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Social 2!

Hello world! I am finally getting time to sit down and type up a post for the blog. For those of you who are in college or who have gone to college, you know how hard it is to balance everything with school, a social life, family, friends, extracurricular activities, work, and everything else. I am trying my best to make time to blog but I barely have time to think or eat. Hopefully I will be able to post a life update of some sorts in the next few days.

1. What are the top 3 things you can't go a day without doing?
Checking social media, talking with my friends, and listening to music

2. What are 3 things that scare you the most?
Getting food poisoning, getting extremely sick (mono, etc.), and shopping carts (weird I know)

3. What are 3 places you want to see before you kick the bucket?
Italy, Greece, and Tahiti

4. What are 3 movies you will always love?
Matilda, Goonies, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

5. What are your 3 favorite current songs?
Wild Wild Love by Pitbull

Mmm Yeah by Austin Mahone 

Rescue by The Summer Set


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Being an Adult is...

College is a time for you to grow up and really become an adult. You are away from your parents for the first time. The normal things that maybe your parents would do for you are now your responsibility.

In the last few months I have come to realize just how much of an adult I have become. Not only have I become an adult but I have also been wanting to do adult things. I feel so much more independent when I do things adults have to do.

Being an adult is...

...Going to class when you are sick
...Calling the doctor's offices, banks, or other professional person
...Admitting you did something wrong and trying to fix your mistake
...Ignore that person you don't like 
...Finding out how to register for summer classes
...Cleaning up after yourself
...Doing things you don't want to do
...Realizing what is important in life
...Walking away from a situation that is bad

What is being an adult to you? Have you don things that ale you feel like an adult?


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Throwback Tag

It's Thursday and I figured I would do this fun tag. Here's a little about my childhood!

1. What year were you born in?

2. Do you have any pictures of yourself from when you were younger? If you do, show them.
Yes! There are more pictures of me than of my brother and sister. I would definitely show you guys some but I don't have any on my laptop :(

3. What TV shows did you grow up watching?
A lot! Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, CatDog, Chalk Zone, As Told by Ginger, Rocket Power, Amanda Show,  and so many more! I actually watch Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and CatDog when it comes on late at night. 

4. What did you want to be when you grow up and do you still want to be that?
I went from wanting to be a teacher to a doctor. Now I want to be a nurse. 

5. Show a video of yourself when you were younger.
I don't have any on my laptop :(

6. What were your favorite toys to play with?
Barbies and Babies

7. What's the most embarrassing thing that you can remember doing?
I can remember being really little, maybe 7 or 8, and I was swimming at the neighbor's house. I had to go to the bathroom but didn't want to go home so I just went on the steps. My friend told her mom and I ran home crying. I was never more embarrassed in my life. 

8. What was one thing you dressed up as for Halloween when you were younger?
God I was so many things, Cinderella, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, a power ranger, cheerleader, etc. 

9. Tell a funny story of something you remember happening when you were young.
I remember one time I had just my underwear on and had a toy bucket on my head. 

10. Are there any special things you've kept from when you were a child?
Just my teddy bear that still smells the same

11. What's the scariest thing you remember that happened to you when you were younger?
I can remember falling down the steps and landing on a little toy chair. I had never been in more pain.

12. How is the world now different from how it was like when you were a child?
Well, it was easy and I had no responsibilities. Technology wasn't as advanced as it is now either.


Monday, March 3, 2014

101 in 1001

I'm sure you have heard of the little project called 101 in 1001. It's where you do 101 projects/goals/achievements in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). It's like a bucket list but you have a shorter time to complete your goals and some of the goals are easier to complete.

Start Date: March 2, 2014
End Date: November 27, 2016

1. Read 5 biographies
2. Google/find 101 random pictures of people and write 300 word stories about them
3. Read 100 books
4. Write a letter for me to open on my first day as a nurse
5. Write a 52 weeks of gratitude journal
6. Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
7. Write a letter and send it to a random address
8. Read the Summer series by Jenny Han (all 3) each summer of the 1001 days
9. Write in my journal every day for a month
10. Write Becky a letter
11. Use to write a letter to myself after I finish a task and receive it at the end

12. Complete 10 DIY/Craft projects I pin on Pinterest
13. Make balloon paint art (like Princess Diaries!)
14. Make one cross stitch item
15. Make a little book of favorite outfits of Blair and Serena's from gossip girl for each season
16. Make a gingerbread house
17. Make a Pinterest binder of all the pins I want to make/do
18. Make a book of my top 100 quotes
19. Make a book of 100 things that make me happy
20. Do melted crayon art canvas
21. Finish an entire coloring book
22. Buy and complete a wreck this journal
23. Finish my senior journals
24. Make a book of my graduation cards

Blog/Social Media
25. Tweet a total of 2000 Tweets
26. Post a total of 200 pictures on Instagram
27. Blog everyday for a month without a challenge
28. Comment 101 times on blogs during the 1001 days
29. Create an etsy shop
30. Complete a monthly Instagram challenge
31. Make a twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for my blog
32. Tell at least one person about my blog
33. Complete an Alphabet Photo Series
34. Document each task through blog/social media
35. Have someone design my blog
36. Have a guest blogger

Giving Back
37. Donate blood
38. Send a letter/package to a blogger/blog I like
39. Leave 13 Operation Beautiful notes
40. Send flowers to my mom one day put of the blue
41. Donate to my high school
42. Send rose to my high school on the feast day
43. Send someone I love a random package
44. Leave inspiring note in a book for someone to find
45. Go on the Gossip Girl Tour in New York
46. Go to the zoo
47. Go to a Phillies Game
48. Go bowling
49. Go to the beach
50. Go to a concert

51. Decide on a minor
52. Learn about one new saint
53. Get a 3.5 gpa for at least one semester
54. Learn to say I love you in 10 different languages
55. Learn about and practice something from 2 different religions
56. Don't skip any class for one who semester
57. Learn 20 new things by clicking 'random articles' on Wikipedia
58. Only bring 2 bags when I come home on the weekend
59. Finishing hang everything up in my dorm

60. Get my licenses
61. Get a job
62. Get a tattoo
63. Tie a bad memory to a balloon and let it go
64. Get a new piercing
65. Buy a lottery ticket
66. Celebrate my birthday with my friends
67. Wear scrubs
68. Save over $1000 in my bank account
69. Have professional pictures taken with my siblings
70. Fast from social media for a whole day

71. Complete 10 recipes I pin on Pinterest
72. Make a rainbow cake
73. Make 5 smoothies from my smoothie book
74. Try Nutella
75. Make homemade hot chocolate
76. Make dinner for the family one night
77. Make pancakes from scratch
78. Try 5 new (to me) Ben and Jerry Ice cream flavors

79. Decorate my room for Christmas
80. Dress up for Halloween
81. Carve a pumpkin
82. Make/buy a special ornament for each Christmas during the 1001 days

83. Make 5 of the nail designs I pinned on pinterest
84. Wear pink on Wednesday April 20th for Mean Girls
85. Buy and wear a hair bow for one day
86. Don't wear a t-shirt to class for two weeks straight
87. Buy a rose bracelet

88. Do one month of butt squats
89. Drink only water for a week

90. Come up with 101 things
91. Review 5 items on amazon
92. Make a playlist for a special occasion
93. Watch every animated Disney movie
94. Complete a family tree
95. Plant a flower from a seed
96. Take pictures in a photo booth
97. Print out the text that have meaning to me
98. Memorize my student number
99. Decorate my MacBook
100. Buy Martha Stewart paints 
101. Write a new 101 in 1001 list

I'll be making a pages for my 101 in 1001 list and I'll be keeping it updated. I'll also update every so often with post. If you are planning on doing a 101 goals in 1001 days let me know I would love to follow your journey!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day Twenty-Eight: Proud

 Blog Everyday in February

Today is the last day of the Blog Every Day In February! I can not believe that I completed the challenge! Today's prompt is one word. I knew exactly what word I wanted to use a few weeks ago. That's proud.

I am so proud of myself for completing the challenge. This is really the first time I have ever completed a challenge and that makes me extremely proud. I knew that if I completed the challenge I would be proud of myself.

Really being proud of yourself is the best feeling in the world. I have felt it so much in the last few weeks, whether it is over something big or something little. I use it as motivation to do better or complete something.

I wish everyone could feel proud of themselves like I am!
